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  • Deborah Goshorn-Stenger

What One Thing?

2 P & P Weekly Blog for 24-30 August 2024

Sunset over the beach
Sunset over the beach

What one thing,

Can shift your focus?

Off of your troubles,

And onto the Lord?

What one thing,

Can encourage?

And sustain you?

What one thing,

Can comfort, restore?

What one thing,

Can draw you closer?

What one thing,

Can bring peace,

To your soul?

What one thing,

Can reassure you,

That you are,

Never alone?

Praise, simple praise,

Is the one thing,

You can do,

That will bring,

The love and the hope of Jesus,

Ever, always, near you.

So I will praise,

God in the morning,

At the dawn’s first light.

And I will praise, every evening,

Asking Him,

To hold me tight.

And I pray,

That you’ll join me,

In this heartfelt attitude.

For with grace,

And with joy,

Praise brings us,

Into a holy solitude.

It is where we find,

God, alone.

Psalm 113:2-4 “Blessed be the name of the LORD both now and forevermore. From the rising to the setting of the sun, the name of the LORD is praised. The LORD is exalted over all the nations, His glory above the heavens (BSB) .”

What one thing brings us into perfect communion with the One true God? Praise.

2 Pause and Praise Creations ©


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