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Sharing God’s Eternal Love

Deborah Goshorn-Stenger

2 P & P Weekly Blog for week of 25 - 31 January 2025


The Eternal Love of God from Deborah Goshorn-Stenger

I was talking with a friend when she asked about my new projects. I excitedly shared that my latest release is a Bible Study that explains John 3:16's truths. She commented, “Everyone knows that.” 

I came away from the conversation pondering. The Spirit called me to write this book because the exact opposite is true. Everyone does not know about God's eternal love. Many Christians struggle to live out God’s love in their everyday lives. Fewer know how to share His love, their testimony, or how to grow in their faith. 

No matter where you are in your journey with Christ—whether you are seeking to know Who Jesus is or if you’ve walked with Him most of your life—there’s always room to learn and grow. 

I love and live by the attitude of the apostle Paul from Philippians 3:12-14 NIV: “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

As you can see, this is not so much a sales pitch as a heart plea—since we are offering you the E-Book of the Eternal Love of God as our Free Gift to you. God’s eternal love is invitational, gracious, filled with forgiveness, and available to anyone. If you are hearing the whisper of His Spirit within your soul, it’s our prayer that you answer. 

Here is some food for thought: 

According to a 2024 study, 42 percent of the world’s population has not heard the message of God’s love.

When asked if Christians share their faith—only 17 percent answered, “Yes.” 

What stops Christians from sharing their faith: 

  • 22 percent—answered “fear”

  • 17 percent—felt they did not have opportunities

  • 8 percent—were too busy

  • 4 percent—too shy

  • 8 percent—feared hostility

  • The balance—felt ill-equipped or did not know how to bring up Jesus or the Good News of the Gospel.

Of Christians—only 24 percent described their faith—as “strong.”

Of unchurched individuals—47 percent said they are open to talking about the Gospel message/or having religious conversations, 79 percent are open to listening to their friends sharing their faith, while—only 11 percent said they would change the subject. (Lifeway Research)

Is there a need for God’s Eternal Love Through the Lens of John 3:16? “Yes, and Amen!” Does it apply to your life? Again, a resounding “yes.” And like Paul, can we each learn and grow as the Spirit leads us into a deeper understanding of God’s Word and His truths? I pray that this is your heart’s desire—it’s certainly mine. 

Dear Lord, give us hearts to want to know You. Whisper Your Spirit’s love into our minds and souls this day. Give us greater wisdom, discernment, and understanding of the precious promises and truths of Your Word. And if we are already Your son/daughter, give us a hunger and thirst to grow in Your likeness so that sharing our faith comes easily and naturally from a heart that’s devoted to following You. Give us compassion and concern for the lost and an urgency to see that no one would perish for lack of hearing the Good News of Your love. If you can use us—let us be willing, Lord. Amen.

The Eternal Love of God is the reason that Jesus was born. It is the purpose for which He gave His life upon the Cross. It’s personal. It’s an individual choice. Every person will experience eternal life and the destination of either heaven or hell. You’re invited to get to know Jesus or come and grow in God's Word, truths, and love today so that you can be equipped to share Who He is with your everyday world. 

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