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From Deborah's Heart

Here’s a little of my story as a Writer/Photographer, which began to form at a very early age. Over the last year or so, the Lord has shown me how He’s been leading me to this path for a very long time. For instance, I remember in the second grade being rewarded with small gifts and treats from “Mrs. Miller,” as we students vied for the title of “spelling-bee champion” each week. In sixth grade, I recall “liking” to memorize prepositions and diagramming sentences while others in my English class groaned. And as soon as I could print, it seemed I had an affinity for stationery, cards, pencils, and the like. In fact, my brother (John) used to give me his extra notebooks and supplies at school year’s end, and to me, it was like Christmas had come early.


Interestingly enough, since I had given my heart to Jesus as a child, He gave me a picture of myself as a very young girl, writing out Scriptures and explaining to my dolls and toys what these verses meant to me. Perhaps it was the Lord, placing a dream in a small mind of what would one day be a gifting of His Spirit?! At age 10, I received my first Polaroid camera, and I discovered that faces and places could be captured and treasured; I was hooked. Then, it was in my early teens that I began to write poetry. What started as a hobby, I later shared with family and friends; and this has now become my “calling.” Even as a kid, the Lord has given me an appreciation for His wondrous creations, and it's my joy to share this love with you.


Creation’s Kaleidoscope is very personal to me because as the story of Genesis 1 unfolds, it’s also a testimony of how God takes the simple, to change it, transform it—if we allow His light and love—to shine through it. He’s been my inspiration, hope, joy, and peace through many moves (14 to date), ongoing illnesses, loss, and personal struggles of many kinds. God uses our whole lives—fragments and all—if we surrender it all.


If you’re searching for God’s purpose in your heart, in your decisions, in your vocation—ask Him to show you what He’s been writing (perhaps as far back as childhood) as the foundation for your life’s work, acts of kindness, and service—unto Him. Because sometimes, the key to loving Him and encouraging other sojourners for His kingdom lies in the patterns that He’s been creating all along. 


God’s nature is to teach, inspire, and love us through every day of our lives. He wants us to find and fulfill His Will and purpose. Lord, I pray that Your story is imprinted upon every heart—until each—brings You glory. Amen.

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